Test transmissions were extended today on the Stoke and Newcastle by the addition of new station, xRhythms. The station is a new project from Stoke’s very own Cross Rhythms City radio which has been broadcasting on FM in Stoke and Newcastle for over 20 years! In fact Cross Rhythms City was the very first, fully licensed community radio stations in the whole of the UK! So, it’s quite fitting that, all these years later its younger brother, xRhythms should be one of the first stations on SSDAB in the area. xRhythms itself is aimed at a younger audience and already broadcasts on DAB in the North East of the UK.

xRhythms provides the young person’s guide to living life to the full, and is a unique new channel backed up by its visual radio station, vlogs and blogs, our content covers everything relevant to a young person, such as lifestyle, mental health, hobbies, education, music, and ambition, created by young people, for young people. For more information visit the xRhythms website at www.xrhythms.co.uk.

ABC will continuing to add more channels in the coming months and stations wishing to be added to the transmissions can get more details by contacting us using the details on our contact page.